Bonjour amis aka hello friends. I'm back! I figure it's time to give this blog a whirl again. I know I know. I'm a horrible blogger but I'm back and hopefully I will have some exciting experiences to share with you all. First off. I recently made my way south to New Orleans for my cousin's bachelorette party. While Nawlins, (I know very tourist of me..sue me) particularly Bourbon street, definitely felt like the party mecca of the South, I knew there was more to this city. Here are a few of my PG rated pictures of my time in the dirrrtyyy. lol. Enjoy.
All the vibrant colors caught my attention. |
Only in New Orleans. I thought he made eye contact with me and was going to hug me. No thanks spikey. |
This is a neighborhood badly affected by hurricane Katrina. The blue poles shows the heights the water rose. Deeply moving to see. Made me realize how blessed I truly am. |
Houses built after Hurricane Katrina courtesy of Brad Pitt. |
Brad Piit's Katrina project. All houses are eco friendly and purposely elevated in case of another flood. |
Yes. Your eyes aren't playing tricks. There's an empty one. WTH. |
Boudin at Emeril's restaurant. Not my favorite but when in New orleans right? Gotta try everything. |
I love old architecture. It's so french too. Reminds me of Moulin Rouge. |
Not my cup of tea but not something I will see anywhere in the DMV. Def creeped me out though. |
Boom! Another thing off my bucket list. Loved loved the beignets! |
Laissez les bons temps rouler!!
Love the pics!!! I can't wait for our reunion in October =) Love you cuz!