2. Use reusable bags for groceries instead of plastic bags. I know it's much better for the Earth and blah blah but my main reason. I am running out of space for them. Plastics bags are completely taking over my kitchen!! I can't fill trash cans enough to decrease my mountainous stash.
3. Consume more calcium. Ok. So most of you know that I call myself "lactarded". Basically, I'm lactose intolerant. I seriously need to take supplements so I don't get all brittle and bow legged when I'm older. I know I'm late but I recently discovered Lactaid milk. Whoever invented that stuff is genius! I fell semi normal when I drink it.
4. Clean up my ipod. It's a jumbled mess. There are songs on it that when I listen to them, I cringe. Makes me really realize how much I've changed..more like progressed when it came to music selection. I can't take anymore Britney Spears unless I'm sloshed and to be more particular...sloshed in Vegas. It's Pia b#$ch!
5. Drink beer. You're thinking..what? I don't drink beer but I feel I must start because the harder stuff is a bit expensive when going out. I think I can drink a girly beer like Bud Lime or my favorite pub..Pub Dog. I can actually drink their peach beer like a sailor. It's actually very Harry Potter esq drink. lol.
6. No more purses. I actually think I'm on track on this already. I haven't bought a new handbag in quite a while. Thank goodness. I'm turning out to be like Imelda Marcos of purses. No, no. Don't wanna be that. I'm already having issues with closet space. sheesh.
7. Go to DC more for their museums. I don't take advantage enough of the Smithsonian and the amazing art galleries. I need to be inspired and stimulated more and there's nothing like roaming a museum for free!! Just gotta stay away from creepy men in the metro.
8. DVR less. Why you ask? I'm getting too used to not have to watch commercials. This is really annoying when I'm watching the news in the morning and I'm forced to watch them. I mean, I can't DVR news!! It wouldn't be current!! This is also very tough during football games. ugh!
9. Open a bottle of wine on my own like a big girl. Luckily, a dear friend of mine bought me a contraption made for dummies. Hopefully, I'm a dummy and not less. I'm still hesitant and don't think I can do it. Positive thoughts Pia!
10. Get more sleep for goodness sake. This is quite important. Need more beauty sleep and less MacBook action. Yeah, OK.
I call these my superficial resolutions for a reason. If I break them, it's not the end of the world for me. I know that there are more important things in life I have to conquer and accomplish for 2011. Those I'm keeping sacred and to myself because I want them to come true! You'll just be hearing about those resolutions once they come true! I promise.
Happy New Year!!!! Let's all make our 2011 a memorable one and more importantly, prosperous.
Love Pia.